Blogging is an ideal way to increase the amount of traffic that goes to your site. Providing your audience with interesting and useful information will keep them coming back to your website, which can account for a large percentage of your monthly traffic if done correctly. Doing this allows search engines to rank your website higher, making it more easily found when users search in search engines.
Keywords and Phrases
When you begin writing blogs determine which long-term keywords and phrases will bring visitors to your website. There are many keyword analytic tools out there, such as Google Analytics, that can assist you with analyzing and selecting which keywords will best optimize your blog. Using highly searched words and phrases increase the likeliness that your content will appear on the first page of search engine results. Search Engine Optimization or SEO plays a major factor in the amount of buzz your blogs and website can get.
Be Consistent
Establish a frequency that fits well with the size and nature of your business. Publishing quality blog content on a more regular basis will help get your information out more thus you being seen more. Be sure you are writing blogs that is relevant to your industry. For instance, if you have a website about cooking, don’t write your blogs about dogs. Search engines can penalize you for this, decreasing your rank in search results.
Ask Questions
Add a guest book, survey, ask a question for readers to answer to, anything that is interactive to your users. This can increase traffic by allowing new content to be published on your blog and recognized by search engine algorithms. By embedding relevant questions throughout your blog posts or at the end will help engage your readers and keep them coming back.
Connect With Others
Connect with blog posts on other websites that are related to your industry by commenting on their content. This can help bring new visitors to your website and create a link-back opportunity to your website from other sites, increasing your traffic even more. Your comments can include helpful tips, suggestions or your constructive opinion.
It’s extremely important to add any social media share buttons to your blog posts as well. This will allow your readers to easily share your content with friends through other social networking platforms. You should think about posting your blog and sharing it through each social media avenue you have. Consider adding share buttons such as, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and more, anything to help your content be found and read more.
Us here at JenRus Freelance have extensive knowledge in SEO and blog writing. Please contact us for a free quote and learn how we can help grow your business even more.