How Important are Mobile Friendly Websites?

According to an article by Search Engine Watch, almost ¾ of mobile users say they are more likely to revisit websites that are mobile friendly. Hard facts show that if your website is not mobile friendly then guess what? You’re probably losing sales and giving your competitors the advantage. There are approximately 1.75 billion smartphone users in the world and all businesses should strive to capture the growing market. We all know how important a website can be for any business. So, it only seems natural to take the extra care necessary to ensure that your website is up to speed for mobile users. What are users looking for that have a mobile friendly website? Having a mobile friendly website is essential if you want to optimize your web presence.

  • Speed. Most mobile users that visit your website want quick, fast information. So, your contact information should be one of the things that are easily assessable. Try to make the path to obtain important information easy. Don’t put too many links that users have to click everywhere to get to their destination and also users don’t like to scroll a lot to find something on their phones. Make sure “pinching” is kept to a minimum. The website on mobile should be easy to read without having to pinch your phone screen a thousand times to read something. Bigger text size that highlights important messages such as addresses and phone number is very important to consider.
  • Mobile-Friendly Buttons. This goes hand-in-hand with what was stated above. All buttons on mobile should be big, easy to read, and take the user where they intend to land based off the button name. Having unclear buttons can discourage users and make their mobile experience on your site so complicated that they won’t return.
  • Social Media Links. Always make sure the links to your different social media avenues are listed. Many times customers visit your website just to get connected to your Facebook page or Twitter account. Have all social media icons viewable and correctly linked. Watch for broken links.
  • Content. Content that looks great on your desktop might not be the case on mobile devices. Visitors won’t stay on your site if they have to zoom a lot, squint or scroll. Even worse, if your website runs flash or anything that requires add-ons to display in a browser is a no-no. These things can severely hurt your bounce rate.

If your website isn’t optimized professionally for mobile, it’s time to get on board and make the mobile experience for your customers easy so that they will keep returning. A few questions to ask yourself is; Does it load in 3 seconds or less? Do you have easy to read content? Is it easy to navigate? Does it provide a good user experience? If you answered “no” to one or more of these, then it’s time to contact JenRus Freelance to get your website up and running smoothly for mobile users.